Tarot for Beginners - an interactive course
In 2001, I created a second free on-line tarot course called Tarot for Beginners. The course has 8 completely new lessons and uses my book Learning the Tarot as the supplementary text. Tarot for Beginners runs for 5 1/2 weeks. A new lesson, assignment and short quiz are posted twice a week for the first four weeks and then there is time for extra study. There is an optional message board where you can ask questions and share with your instructor and fellow students.
Tarot for Beginners is sponsored by the Barnes and Noble University. Registration is through the B&N website. Tarot for Beginners is listed under the Life Improvement section. If you don't see a listing for the course, check back from time to time as it will be available again at some point in the future.
Thanks for your interest!