[ Actions ]
[ Court Card Pairs ]
[ Description ]
[ Reversed? ]
- Unwavering..........Stubborn
- is dogged in pursuit of a hardheaded and obstinate
will not quit..........digs into a position
stands firm against opposition..........must have his or her own way
stays fixed to a chosen course..........refuses to listen to reason
keeps true to personal convictions..........resists compromise
- Cautious..........Unadventurous
- checks and too conservative
examines all angles beforehand..........misses chances by waiting
proceeds slowly and reluctant to try something new
prefers the safe, known path..........settles for safe, small gains
is prudent and afraid of risking
- Thorough..........Obsessive
- takes care of every detail..........does not know when to quit
is too picky
wraps up all loose ends..........must have everything just so
never leaves a job half inflexible and compulsive
is painstaking..........insists on perfection
completes anything started..........can't leave well enough alone
- Realistic..........Pessimistic
- is willing to look at the facts..........concentrates on what's wrong
faces the truth..........thinks others are dreamers
is not lured by false hopes..........sees a glass as half empty, not half full
assesses circumstances candidly..........takes the gloomy view
predicts problems in advance..........dooms a project from the start
- Hard-Working..........Grinding
- becomes dedicated to a task..........focuses too narrowly on work
is diligent and industrious..........can be humorless and grim
produces as much as two people..........sees playtime as wasteful
tackles any chore vigorously..........drives everyone too hard
is tireless and unflagging..........forgets life should be fun

The Knight of Pentacles can form a pair with any other court card. Compare the ranks and suits of the two cards to see what such a pair might mean.
Example: for the Knight of Pentacles/King of Cups, go to [ King-Knight ] and [ Pentacles-Cups ]
[ King-Knight ]
[ Queen-Knight ]
[ Knight-Knight ]
[ Knight-Page ]
[ Pentacles-Wands ]
[ Pentacles-Cups ]
[ Pentacles-Swords ]
[ Pentacles-Pentacles ]

On the positive side, the Knight of Pentacles is like a bulldog. Once he bites down, you can be sure he won't let go. He's dogged in pursuit of his goals. A hard-worker, he has tremendous stamina and dedication. Every job is always completed down to the last detail. He's careful and prudent, never wasteful. He knows the facts and is immune to false promises. On the negative side, this Knight is a bit stodgy and dull. He's not known for his playful sense of humor. Work always comes first. He tends to be inflexible and obsessive about little details. Stubborn to a fault, he refuses to give in even when wrong, something he'll never admit. He doesn't like change or risk and will always take the gloomiest view.
In readings, a Knight of Pentacles shows that his cautious style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, "Is this Knight's energy helping or hurting?"
If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Are you working too hard? Do you refuse to listen to reason? Do you have a perfectionist in your life? Is the atmosphere around you one of gloom and doom? It may be time for a change.
If this Knight's energy is missing, a dose of prudence may be called for. Are you spending too much? Maybe it's time to slow down. Do you give up too soon? Dig in and refuse to quit. Is your work often careless, late or incomplete? Next time resolve to work up a sweat and get the job done. Let the Knight of Pentacles introduce you to his world of care and persistence.