Shapeshifter Tarot

[Double] [5 of Wands] According to D. J. Conway and Sirona Knight, the creators of the Shapeshifter Tarot, shapeshifting is the "assuming of a certain creature's characteristics, traits and talents for a limited time." This deck is designed to help you access animal energies and the elemental qualities of air, fire, water and earth. The images by artist Lisa Hunt show humans interacting with animals, plants and other nature entities. The major arcana has three extra shamanic cards located between card 20 and card 24. The minor arcana suit cards are numbered 1-14. Cards 11-14 are the court cards: Seeker, Warrior, God and Goddess. In this deck, the Goddess takes the "kingly" position in the court card family. Each card shows a keyword meaning as well. The Shapeshifter deck is only available as a boxed set that includes the book Shapeshifter Tarot also by Conway and Knight (264 pages). Conway and Hunt also collaborated on the Celtic Dragon Tarot.

Number of Cards Size Copyright Card Back
25 major
56 minor
2 3/4" x 4 5/8" 1998 [back design]

Language of Card Titles: English

Style of Suit Cards (2-10): picture scenes

Also Included: instruction book

Major Arcana:
Initiation, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Mother, Father, Knowledge,
Lovers, Power, Courage, Seer, Circle, Nature, Shapeshifter,
Rebirth, Balance, Choice, Serpent, Star, Moon, Sun, Transcendence,
Double (card 21), Journey (card 22), Dreamer (card 23), Oneness

Suit Names: Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles

Court Cards: Goddess (King), God (Queen), Warrior (Knight), Seeker (Page)
The court cards are numbered as follows: Seeker = 11, Warrior = 12, God = 13 and Goddess = 14


[God of Water] [Circle] [9 of Pentacles]

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